Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mystery Shopping

I am a girl - and naturally, I love to shop. I think it is inherent to our species to be fond of going through alot of hassle just to get the perfect shoes or an awesome bag. For us, it will always be worth it.

That being said, I have come to learn Mystery Shopping two years ago from an internet site (I already forgot what it was) and enjoyed it. It is not the token (the pay, as we often call it) that drives me to do the assignment. Believe it or not, it is more on the experience - learning new things, talking to other people who can become potential contacts in the future and having fun.

Being an MS does not mean you have to be a difficult customer - one just have to be a typical customer. Though this does not mean that you are going to pass everything just for the sake of getting the job done. One has to be very keen to detail and observant to everything that is happening around the environment. Also, and MS needs to be objective. And not subjective, which was hard at first - but as you go through the process itself, you will learn to adapt and enjoy.

I always look forward to my shops. I've been to coffee shops and out of town visits and it is nice to always learn something new.



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