Simply fill in the blanks: “This morning, I’ll dial _____ to get @Yellow Cab Pizza’s Early Bread _____. I’m sure my friends @Friend 1 and @Friend 2 will love it too!”
TIP – Make sure that your post is “For everyone” and is properly tagged.
1. Post your entry on your profile wall. Make sure this wall post is set to be seen by “everyone” so Yellow Cab guys can see your entry.
2. Only entries with two properly tagged friends are qualified for this contest.
3. Promo is for Metro Manila residents only.
4. 1 valid entry per person.
5. Raffle of 12 weekly winners
6. Each winner will get 500 worth of GC.
7. Promo will run for 3 weeks:
* Week 1: Dec 1-7
* Week 2: Dec 8-14
* Week 3: Dec 15-21